
Found 5 results in 150.49 ms.

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Sidgwick, Henry, 1838-1900 (20) (person)

English philosopher. Henry Sidgwick was educated at Rugby, and had a brilliant academic career at Trinity College, specializing in classics and mathematics. He became a fellow at Trinity and began teaching, first in classics and later in moral philosophy. A brilliant scholar, gifted lecturer, and remarkable author, his career including important works on ethics, philosophy, classics, and economics, among other topics. He was a strong supporter of women's educat...

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Sidgwick, Henry, philosopher (12) (person)

Epithet: philosopher

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Sidgwick Henry d 1900 (2) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Sidgwick Henry b 1900 (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Sidgwick; Henry, -1900; Principal of Newnham College (1) (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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